1715 - 1793 (78 years)
Name |
Gabriel McKenzie |
Birth |
1715 |
Hopson's Choice, Maryland |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
1793 |
Allegany County, Maryland |
Notes |
- Thoughts from Scott Williams to the author. August 14, 2018:
I will share with you the reader's digest version of one of my avenues of research. There are no original source records that positively link the Porters with the McKenzies before settlement in Western Maryland. If you believe tradition and family lore, they must have been in close proximity to each other in the generation of Daniel, Gabriel, and Daniel McKenzie down in the Patapsco/Baltimore Co/Frederick County area. We have reported intermarriage between Henry Porter and a Durbin as well as the reported Porter/McKenzie intermarriages. Yet no one (including the Colonel) has found proof in the traditional resources like deeds, patents, etc. We have a few other MD Porters thereabouts, but we have all but eliminated them as suspects. There are a ton of Porters along the PA/MD border, and they are not so easily eliminated, but they all seem to be Scots-Irish Protestants - again, not fully disqualifying, but not too promising either.
This I do know (or propose as a thesis). The first positive connection in the record appears in Bedford County, PA. Sam and John McKenzie appear there in 1773, Gabriel and Sam in 1774 and again in 1775. John Porter appears on the next page from them in 1775 as a "renter". In 1776 Gabriel McKenzie and John Porter appear - and Sam appears as an "inmate" (uh-oh :)). The PA records appear to be non-existent for a few years then pick up again in 1779, when all I have is John Porter and no McKenzies. Do note, however that Gabriel, Aaron, Sam, and Daniel McKenzie take the loyalty oath over in Washington (now Allegany) County in 1778.
So my thesis is that Gabriel and sons moved westward to Bedford County PA beginning in 1772 and that this move appears to coincide with the sale of three properties in Frederick County. Gabriel and sons stay on the Bedford side of the line until 1777 or 78 when they move across the line into Maryland. John Porter appears adjacent to them in the record from 1775 to 1778 when they move - he stays in PA until around 1784 and eventually resettles in Maryland. John Porter is reported to have lived near Wellersburg PA with is 'just across the line' from the Mount Savage area - and if you have been there, you will know that it is pretty much "all the same place".
So, this puts John Porter in proximity to the McKenzies, but I need more in the way of kinship ties, etc. In the attached loyalty oath you will see all of our Catholic tribe in one place by 1778, including Henry Porter (brother of John and Moses Porter) who reportedly married a Durbin.
Here is a link to the source file for Bedford PA stuff:
Pages of interest:
1773: pg 19 and 20
1774: pg 60
1775: pg 92 and 93
1776: pg 125 and 127
1779: pg 161
1783: pg 211 and 264
1784: pg 278
1778 Loyalty Oath attached.
Feedback always welcome!!
Excerpt from author's book The McKenzies of early Maryland:
Gabriel McKenzie
Gabriel McKenzie (1) was born in Hopson’s Choice, Baltimore County, Maryland about 1715. He married Sarah Durbin in 1742 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Baltimore County, Maryland. (1.1) Together they had seven children:
1.Anne McKenzie
2.Michael McKenzie
3.Samuel McKenzie (2)
Born 1750
Married Abt. 1790 to Ellen _______
Had children Samuel F., John M., Gabriel, Sara Ann, Eleanor, Polly, Jane, Catherine, Elizabeth, Moses
Died 1837 in Allegany County, Maryland per Death Register for St. Patrick’s Church.
4.Daniel McKenzie
Born Abt. 1755
Married Mary Ann Chapman 2 DEC 1779 in Washington County, Maryland
Had children William, Richard, Samuel, Mary Ann, Daniel, Aaron and James Moses
Died 1825, Allegany County, Maryland
5.John McKenzie
Born 1765
Married Lindy (Melinda) Porter
Had children Aaron, John, Daniel, Henry, Gabriel, Samuel E., Sarah,
Mary, Marjery, and Margaret
Died 1852, Madison Co, KY
6.Aaron McKenzie
Born 1768
7.Joshua McKenzie
Born 1768
On 5 NOV 1743, Gabriel McKenzie had a survey recorded for “Gabriel’s Choice”. (4) This tract lay southwest of Westminster MD, on the west side of Mt. Airy Road, between the tracts of James and Thomas Wells. The operative words of the document stated that the land was located in Baltimore County, which given the date is consistent with the fact that Frederick County (where the land is situated today) was formed from Baltimore County and Prince George’s County in 1748. It further states that Gabriel MacKenzie (actual spelling) had received a common warrant for 100 acres of land from “His Lordship’s Land Office dated the 17 Day of March, 1742 and that Gabriel was a resident of Ann Arundell County (actual spelling). (5) The land patent itself was formally issued on the “1st Day of December 1743 by Thomas Bladen, Your Lieutenant General and Chief Governor of our said Province of Maryland, Chancellor & Keeper of the Great Seal thereof.” (6)
Per Thomas Scharf, Frederick County was not a safe place for Colonial settlers at the time Gabriel purchased and owned the property. (7) “In the French and Indian War which ensued after the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1749, between England and France, Maryland became involved mainly in self-defense, and though she was to share none of its spoils, her people were destined to suffer from many of the dangers and hardships it brought in its train. Even before Braddock’s defeat bands of Indians were making forays into Frederick County burning houses and slaughtering the inhabitants, but after his disastrous overthrow on the 9th of July, 1755, and the retreat of Col. Dunbar with the remainder of the British Army to Philadelphia, the whole northern and western frontier of the province was thrown open to the Indians. Measures of defense were almost immediately adopted, but even had they sufficed for the complete protection of the wide territory to be guarded, they would scarcely have allayed the terror which had taken possession of the frontier settlers. The alarm inspired by Braddock’s defeat and by the advance of the French and Indians was so great that many inhabitants of the western settlements fled to Baltimore, and preparations were even made by the people of that town to place the women and children on board the vessels in the harbor and send them to Virginia”.
In June 1750 Gabriel sued John White for cutting down the oak trees which marked the beginning of “Gabriel’s Choice.” (8)
On 18 JUN 1754, Gabriel purchased 50 acres “Small Addition” from James (a later deed for the same property refers to the seller as John White) and Margaret White of Frederick County (Frederick County having been formed six years earlier in 1748) (9). The land was located in Frederick County and per the legal description was situated near the head of the Little Pipe Creek. The reference to “Little Pipe Creek” in both the patent for Gabriel’s Choice and in the deed for “Small Addition” suggests that the parcels may have been contiguous.
On 14 JUL 1755, Gabriel McKenzie, planter of Frederick County, and his wife Sarah deeded to Nicholas Rodgers 200 acres, part of a “Resurvey of Gabriel’s Choice”.(10).
On October 6, 1764, Gabriel MacKenzie of Frederick County secured a patent for 19 acres of land in Frederick County called Addition to Gabriel’s Choice. The recitations at the beginning of the deed/patent state as follows: “By virtue of a Warrant granted out of his Lordship’s Land Office of the Province to Daniel MacKenzie and John Logsdon of Ann Arundel County for seventy five acres of land bearing date 17th of January, 1764, which said warrant is assigned to Gabriel MacKenzie of Frederick County, etc.” Since Daniel McKenzie is not known to have had a child by the name of Gabriel, the only conclusion that can be drawn from the assignment of this patent is that Daniel McKenzie and John Logsdon were assigning a portion of their seventy five acres to Daniel’s brother, Gabriel. (10.5) The Logsdon connection is an interesting fact in view of the information set forth below that Gabriel’s wife also had a Durbin connection, since she was the daughter of Samuel Durbin and Anne (Logsdon) Durbin.
On 28 Jun 1769, Gabriel McKinsey of Frederick County sold to William Buchanan 80 acres more or less of the property known as the “Resurvey of Gabriel’s Choice”. (11) The sale price was 66 Pounds. The deed reflects that the property consisted of a portion of the “Resurvey of Gabriel’s Choice” which was patented to Gabriel on the twenty third day of July, 1755. The deed further reflected that Sarah McKinsey, wife of Gabriel, had released her dower rights after having been examined out of the presence of her husband and did so “freely and voluntarily not being induced or compelled thereto by any threats of or ill usage from her said husband or fear of his displeasure.”
Sarah McKenzie apparently was the first child of Samuel and Ann (Logsdon) Durbin. She was born September 19, 1724 in a log cabin near Westminister, Maryland. (12)
On 7 APR 1772, Gabriel McKenzie sold three parcels of land in Frederick County totaling 147 acres to George Devilbess for the sum of 310 Pounds. (13) The three tracts included: (1) part of the original tract of “Gabriel’s Choice” and part of the “Resurvey of Gabriel’s Choice” (78 acres), (2) the “Small Addition” originally conveyed by John (sic) White to Gabriel in 1754 (50 acres) and which contains the reference to the “head of Little Pipe Creek” as referenced above and (3) a final tract entitled “Addition to Gabriel’s Choice”. Gabriel was listed as being a farmer residing in Frederick County, which coincides with the time line established by the Oath of Fidelity that Gabriel took in Washington County in 1778.
On 6 AUG 1785 Gabriel MacKinzie of Washington County (13.1) sold to Henry Hoover a parcel of property located in Frederick County called “Mount Pleasant” containing 47 acres. (14) The legal description reflected that the beginning of metes and bounds description began at the end of the “fifteenth line of Gabriel’s Choice” and ran from that location. The deed reflected that Sarah once again relinquished her dower rights. One of the Justices of the Peace who acknowledged the deed was Andrew Bruce, who during the Revolutionary War, administered the Oath of Fidelity (15) (16) to Gabriel MacKenzie. The oath was administered on 2 MAR 1778 in Washington County, Maryland.
On 25 April 1792, Gabriel McKinsey provided Leigh Master of Frederick County with a Release of Dower in connection with the previously discussed land transaction in June, 1769 between Gabriel and William Buchanan. Apparently, Sarah’s dower rights were not properly released at the time of the original transaction and the new owner wanted to obtain a clear title. The Release Deed reflected that Gabriel and Sarah were residents of Alleghany County, which is consistent with the fact that Alleghany County was carved from Washington County in 1789. The deed proves that both Gabriel and Sarah McKenzie were still alive as of April, 1792 and living in Alleghany County.
One of the last known land transactions involving Gabriel McKenzie occurred in connection with a patent he received for land west of Fort Cumberland on which he had settled. In November 2010, Michael McKenzie of Mt. Savage, Maryland provided the author with a copy of the patent issued by the State of Maryland to Gabriel McKenzie. According to Michael, the patent was difficult to locate because the property actually was patented to Peter Mayors (Majors) on May 23, 1803, although the patent itself reflects that the property was surveyed for Gabriel McKinsey..(18) Per the documents, Gabriel appeared before the Honorable Andrew Bruce, one of the Justices of the Peace of Allegany County, Maryland on May 16, 1792 and conveyed the fifty acres of land comprising lot number 3365 to Peter Mayors (Majors). The lot was described as being in the “reserved land west of Fort Cumberland”. Then on May 17, 1803, another document signed by Thomas Harwood, Jr. acknowledged and swore that “Gabriel Mckinsey, a settler westward of Fort Cumberland paid the purchase money for lot 3365”. Yet another unsigned document associated with this entire group of documents states that “Gabriel McKinney settler on Lot 3365 assigned to Peter Mayors (Majors) Patent to Peter Majors the 23rd May 1803”. This last document is a little confusing in that it could be interpreted that Gabriel was still alive in 1803 and was once again acknowledging that he was assigning lot 3365 to Majors so that he could obtain his patent. Since it is assumed by researchers that Gabriel was born abt. 1715, he would have been 88 years old in 1803 if he was still alive and capable of assigning the property to Peter Majors.
The same Michael McKenzie of Mt. Savage, Maryland has pinpointed the location of the Gabriel McKenzie land patent property. In these days of Google Maps, he did a fantastic job of locating the precise piece of property. The link to the Google Maps location for the property can be found at: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=15501+bear+camp+lane+mt+savage+md&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=27.423305,56.162109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=15501+Bear+Camp+Ln+NW,+Mt+Savage,+Allegany,+Maryland+21545&ll=39.716595,-78.87424&spn=0.012973,0.027423&t=h&z=15
Paste that link into your browser and it will take you to the property. Michael also provided the author with a copy of the 1874 Map of Military Lots, Tracts, Escheats, etc. in Garrett County and Allegany County, Maryland. That map is located in the Media Section of the McKenzies of Early Maryland website. (19) If you locate that map and look directly under the "i & n " in PENNSYLVANIA at the top of the page, you will see a triangular lot # 3365 just above “Bear Camp”. That is the 50 acres of land that comprised the Gabriel McKenzie land patent. If you compare the 1874 map with the current Google map, the same triangular piece of property appears. Michael McKenzie of Mt. Savage, Maryland wrote to the author in November, 2010 and advised: “the lot is still the same shape and is still 50 acres owned by a nice couple, Earl Lepley and his wife, who by the way is a descendant of Gabriel. She was blown away when I told her she is living on her Grandpappys property.”
The author assumes Gabriel McKenzie died in Allegany County, Maryland after 1793 even though no will has ever been discovered, no any letters of administration, gravestone or church record.
1. From this point forward, the author has drawn partially upon the research of Col. Gabriel Thornton MacKenzie, Ret. Colonel MacKenzie researched the McKenzie Family from the late 1920’s until his death in the early 1960’s. He compiled over 1800 pages of handwritten notes from his research and travels. His descendant Joseph Edward McKenzie, P.O. Box 1671, Dunedin, Florida 34697 reduced all of Colonel McKenzie’s notes to microfilm obtainable from Dataplex Corporation 1502-A Joh Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21227. Col. MacKenzie began corresponding with McKenzie relatives in 1929. Those early letters from elderly relatives (several of whom were born in the mid-1800’s) contain a great deal of information on the early generations of McKenzies from Western Maryland.
1.1 This information was gleaned from previous “research” of other McKenzie researchers. To date the author has not been able to find any documentation to substantiate it.
2. The information pertaining to Samuel McKenzie was provided by Debbie Harper. It has not been verified by the author. Although he was listed as being a settler on the lands west of Fort Cumberland, Samuel never bothered to obtain a proper patent on the land. On 10 SEP 1814, he sold part of lot 3369 to William Logsdon, Sr.. Samuel McKenzie, Sr. died intestate in March, 1837. As part of the procedure for settling the estate, Samuel's sons, Samuel F.(Jr.), Gabriel and John applied for and received a patent for the two lots Samuel, Sr. was living on (lots 3369 and 3370). The patents can be located on the Maryland State Archives at MSA SE 1-1 Image 020745-0329 and also on the www.mckenziesofearlymaryland web site in the Media section. The document is cross-referenced with Samuel McKenzie (b. abt. 1751). The sons immediately sold these lots. The settlement papers for his estate list all of his children except for Catherine and Elizabeth, who died before him without issue. Nowhere in the estate papers is a living widow of Samuel, Sr. mentioned. Yet, she must have been living, for in 1839, she executed a "make good" deed conveying her interest in the lots to her son, Samuel. (In fact, the boys selling the lots without her signature was illegal. She had to issue a retroactive deed to her son, Samuel, in order to clear the title on the property.) The deed in part reads: "Then came Ellen McKenzie . . . who sells to her son, Samuel McKenzie . . . for the sum of $1.00 and the natural affection of a mother toward her son . . . lots 3369 and 3370". This clearly shows that Samuel F. McKenzie (Jr's) mother was Ellen ____( and not Rachel Durbin as claimed by some researchers). The "make good" deed from "Ellen McKinzey" to "Samuel McKinzey" is recorded at Deed Book "W", page 535, Allegany County records.
3. (blank)
4. Liber LG 3E, folio 163; Liber E1 E0 #6, folio 634; Frederick County (Land Records) WR 6, pp. 209-210 Gabriel MacKenzie [MSA C-814-36] 1/38/6/35;
5. The legal description reads: “ I, Thomas White, Deputy Surveyor of Baltimore County have laid out for the said Gabriel MacKinzie (actual spelling) a Tract of Land lying in Baltimore County Beginning at the bounded white oaks standing on a plain near the Indian Road near a branch of the Little Pipe Creek . . . [followed by the degrees and perches] and laid out for 100 hundred acres more or less to be ___ of the Mannor of Baltimore by the name of Gabriel’s Choice.”
6. Land Office (Patent Record) E16, pp. 634-635 Gabriel McKenzie [MSA S11-71] 1/23/2/24;
7. J. Thomas Scharf, History of Baltimore City and County, p. 37, Louis H. Everts, Philadelphia 1881 (reprinted for Clearfield Company, Inc., by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore Maryland, 1997.
8. Baltimore County Court Proceedings. Found in Maryland Historical Magazine, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, Mar 1923
9.. Frederick County (Land Records) E pp.452-453, Gabriel McKinzee [MSA C814-2] 1/38/6/1. The name reflected in the records is Gabriel MacKinzee, who was reflected as also being from Frederick County. He paid 14 Pounds Current Money for the property. The legal description begins: Beginning at two bounded red oaks near the head of the Little Pipe Creek . . . and laid out for 50 acres more or less.
10. Maryland Historical Magazine, Vol XV, p. 357
10.5.Maryland State Archives, MSA S1197-172, pages 1 to 3 From SL 21,569. A copy of the document is located at www.mckenziesofearlymaryland.com in the Media section and is linked to Gabriel McKenzie.
11. Frederick County (Land Records) M, pp. 437-438, Gabriel McKinsey, [MSA C814-16] 1/38/6/16;
12. Durbin/Logsdon Genealogy p. 61;
13. Frederick County (Land Records) P, pp. 32-33 Gabriel McKenzie [MSA C814-21] 1/38/6/21;
13.1. Washington County at the time comprised all of Western Maryland. Alleghany County was carved out of Washington County in 1789 and Garrett County was carved out in 1872.
14. Frederick County (Land Records) WR 6, pp. 209-210 Gabriel McKinzie [MSA C814-36] 1/38/6/35;
15. The Oath of Fidelity came into being during the Revolutionary War and was taken by those who swore their allegiance to the new republic. It read as follows:
I do swear I do not hold myself bound to yield any Allegience or obedience to the King of Great Britain his heirs or Successors and that I will be true and faithful to the State of Maryland and will to the utmost of my power, Support, maintain and defend the freedom and Independence thereof and the Government as now established against all open enemies and secret and traterous Consperaces and will use my utmost endeavours to disclose and make known to the Governor or some one of the judges or Justices thereof all Treasons or Traterous Consperaces, attempts or Combinations against this State or the Government thereof which may come to my Knowledge so help me God.
16. C.M. Brumbaugh and Margaret Robert Hodges, Revolutionary Records of Maryland, page 15. The actual record reads as follows:
The Worshipful Andrew Bruce Returns:
MacKenzie, Gabriel
MacKenzie, Aaron
MacKenzie, Samuel
MacKenzie, Daniel
Washington County, 2nd March, 1778. I certify to the Honorable the Governor and Council, that the within persons gave their affirmation to and subscribed the Oath of Fidelity to the State of Maryland according to the Act of Assembly and that this is a true Copy of the Book kept by me for that purpose and delivered to the Clerk of this County as ordered.
Andw. Bruce
Ed. Note: Given the similarity of names, the individuals who took the Oath of Fidelity to the State of Maryland most likely were Gabriel McKenzie and his sons, Samuel, Daniel and Aaron. Although the author does not have written proof that the individuals listed were father and sons, given the ages of Gabriel's children, the Oath of Fidelity information is consistent with Gabriel and his sons having migrated west to Washington County in the years preceding and/or during the Revolutionary War.
17.Maryland State Archives MSA #1188-1536, pages 1-5 From SL 40,162.
18.Maryland State Archives MSA #1188-1536, pages 1-5 From SL 40,162.
Person ID |
I00141 |
McKenzie Genealogy |
Last Modified |
29 Oct 2021 |
Family |
Sarah Durbin, b. 19 Sep 1725, Westminister, Baltimore County (now Carroll County) Md. d. Abt 1795 (Age 69 years) |
Marriage |
1742 |
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Baltimore County, Md. |
Notes |
- Per the notes of Philip J. Dietz, Jr.
Sarah and Gabriel were married in St. Paul's Catholic Church in Baltimore, Maryland
Children |
| 1. Anne McKenzie (?) d. UNKNOWN [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 2. Michael McKenzie (?) d. UNKNOWN [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 3. Samuel McKenzie, b. 1751 d. 1837, Allegany County, Maryland (Age 86 years) [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 4. Daniel McKenzie, b. Abt 1752, Frederick County, Maryland d. 7 Oct 1825, Allegany County, Maryland (Age ~ 73 years) [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 5. Gabriel Jr. McKenzie, b. 1758, Frederick County, Maryland d. Abt 1832, Knox County, Ohio (Age 74 years) [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 6. Aaron McKenzie, b. Bef 1760 d. UNKNOWN [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 7. Sarah Ann McKenzie, b. Abt 1765 d. 15 Apr 1845, Cresaptown, Allegany County, Maryland (Age ~ 80 years) [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 8. John McKenzie, b. Abt 1765, Frederick County, Maryland d. 1852, Madison County, Kentucky (Age ~ 87 years) [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
Family ID |
F00156 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
29 Oct 2021 |
 | Map of Military Lots, Tracts and Escheats 1874 Western Maryland Prepared Under the Act of 1874 |
 | Resurvey of Gabriel's Choice 1755 Gabriel McKenzie (b. abt. 1715) Page 4 Maryland State Archives |
 | Resurvey of Gabriel's Choice 1755 Gabriel McKenzie (b. abt. 1715) Page 3 Maryland State Archives |
 | Resurvey of Gabriel's Choice 1755 Gabriel McKenzie (b. abt. 1715) Page 2 Maryland State Archives |
 | Land Office Patent Lots West of Fort Cumberland Gabriel McKenzie (b. abt. 1715) Page 1 Lot 3365, Maryland State Archives MSA SE1-1 Image 020745=0329 Lot 3365 (Peter Majors) |
 | Inventory of John MacKinzie 1758 Page 3 (partial) Reference to "Gabriel MacKinzie Nearest Relation" Prerogative Court (Inventories) 68, pp. 54-56 [MSA S534-69] |
 | Land Patent for Addition to Gabriel's Choice 1764 Gabriel McKenzie (b. abt. 1715) Page 1 Maryland State Archives [MSA S1190-1939 From SL 21,630] |
 | Land Patent for Addition to Gabriel's Choice 1764 Gabriel McKenzie (b. abt. 1715) Page 2 Maryland State Archives [MSA S1190-1939 From SL 21,630] |
 | Land Patent for Addition to Gabriel's Choice 1764 Gabriel McKenzie (b. abt. 1715) Page 3 Maryland State Archives [MSA S1190-1939 From SL 21,630] |
 | Deed from Gabriel McKenzie 1792 Document Releasing Sarah's Dower Concerning Resurvey of Gabriel's Choice 1769 Page 1 Maryland State Archives Frederick County (Land Records) WR 11, pp.155-156 [MSA C814-40] 1/38/6/40 |
 | Deed from Gabriel McKenzie 1792 Document Releasing Sarah's Dower Concerning Resurvey of Gabriel's Choice 1769 Page 2 Maryland State Archives Frederick County (Land Records) WR 11, pp.155-156 [MSA C814-40] 1/38/6/40 |
 | Deed from Gabriel McKenzie to George Devilbess 1772 Three Parcels Page 1 Maryland State Archives Frederick County (Land Records) P, pp. 32-33, [C814-21] 1/38/6/21 |
 | Deed from Gabriel McKenzie to George Devilbess 1772 Three Parcels Page 2 Maryland State Archives Frederick County (Land Records) P, pp. 32-33, [C814-21] 1/38/6/21 |
 | Deed from Gabriel McKenzie to Henry Hoover 1785 Mount Pleasant Page 1 Maryland State Archives Frederick County (Land Records) WR 6, pp. 209-210 [C814-36] 1/38/6/35 |
 | Deed from Gabriel McKenzie to Henry Hoover 1785 Mount Pleasant Page 2 Maryland State Archives Frederick County (Land Records) WR 6, pp. 209-210 [C814-36] 1/38/6/35 |
 | Deed from Gabriel McKenzie to William Buchanan 1769 Resurvey of Gabriel's Choice Page 1 Maryland State Archives Frederick County (Land Records) M, pp. 437-438 [MSA C814-16] 1/38/6/16 |
 | Deed from Gabriel McKenzie to William Buchanan 1769 Resurvey of Gabriel's Choice Page 2 Maryland State Archives Frederick County (Land Records) M, pp. 437-438 [MSA C814-16] 1/38/6/16 |
 | Deed from James White to Gabriel McKenzie 1754 Small Addition Page 1 Maryland State Archives Frederick County (Land Records) E, pp. 452-453 [MSA C814-2] 1/38/6/1 |
 | Deed from James White to Gabriel McKenzie 1754 Small Addition Page 2 Maryland State Archives Frederick County (Land Records) E, pp. 452-453 [MSA C814-2] 1/38/6/1 |
 | Land Patent Gabriel's Choice Frederick County Long Re-Write Page 1 Maryland State Archives Land Office (Patent Record) LGE, 162-163 [MSA S11-75] 1/23/2/28 |
 | Land Patent Gabriel's Choice Frederick County Long Re-Write Page 2 Maryland State Archives Land Office (Patent Record) LGE, 162-163 [MSA S11-75] 1/23/2/28 |
 | Land Patent of Gabriel McKenzie to Peter Majors 1792 Lot 3365 Page 1 Maryland State Archives [MSA S1188-1536 From SL 40,162] Allegany County |
 | Land Patent of Gabriel McKenzie to Peter Majors 1792 Lot 3365 Page 2 Maryland State Archives [MSA S1188-1536 From SL 40,162] Allegany County |
 | Land Patent of Gabriel McKenzie to Peter Majors 1792 Lot 3365 Page 3 Maryland State Archives [MSA S1188-1536 From SL 40,162] Allegany County |
 | Land Patent of Gabriel McKenzie to Peter Majors 1792 Lot 3365 Page 4 Maryland State Archives [MSA S1188-1536 From SL 40,162] Allegany County |
 | Land Patent of Gabriel McKenzie to Peter Majors 1792 Lot 3365 Page 5 Maryland State Archives [MSA S1188-1536 From SL 40,162] Allegany County |
 | Land Patent for Mount Pleasant 1764 Gabriel McKenzie (B. Abt. 1715)Page 1 Maryland State Archives [MSA S1197-3033 From SL 21,707] |
 | Land Patent for Mount Pleasant 1764 Gabriel McKenzie (B. Abt. 1715)Page 2 Maryland State Archives [MSA S1197-3033 From SL 21,707] |
 | Land Patent for Mount Pleasant 1764 Gabriel McKenzie (B. Abt. 1715)Page 3 Maryland State Archives [MSA S1197-3033 From SL 21,707] |
 | Land Patent for Mount Pleasant 1764 Gabriel McKenzie (B. Abt. 1715)Page 4 Maryland State Archives [MSA S1197-3033 From SL 21,707] |
 | Land Patent Location Lot 3365 Gabriel McKenzie (b. abt. 1715).jpg Deakins Map 1787 |
 | Resurvey of Gabriel's Choice 1755 Gabriel McKenzie (b. abt. 1715) Page 1 Maryland State Archives |
 | Gabriel McKenzie Lot #3365 GPS Coordinates These are the precise GPA coordinates that will show you exactly where Gabriel McKenzie's Lot #3365 was located west of Cumberland, Maryland. Actually, you can just past the coordinates into Google and it will immediatley display a map showing the property. |
 | Inventory 1758 of John MacKinzie (b. abt. 1694) Listing Gabriel McKenzie as "Nearest Relation" Page from the Inventory of John MacKinzie Estate: Perogative Court (Inventories) Box 68, pp. 54-56, at p. 56, John MacKenzie, 1758 [MSA S534-69 |
 | Allegany County, Maryland Early Tax Records Page 1
 | Allegany County, Maryland Early Tax Records Page 2
 | Allegany County, Maryland Early Tax Records Page 3
 | Allegany County, Maryland Early Tax Records Page 4
 | Migration - Gabriel McKenzie (b. 1715)
 | 1783 Tax List Washington Co Md Upper Old Town Hundred
 | Mt Savage Area Map Circa 1800 with Settler's Names
 | Gabriel McKenzie (b. abt. 1715) Mark
 | Map Showing Proximity of Gabriel McKenzie and Henry Porter's Property This sketch was contained in the papers of Colonel Gabriel Thornton MacKenzie (1892-1970) who started his genealogical research in the 1920's. It reflects the close proximity of land owned by Gabriel McKenzie (b. 1715) and Henry Porter. |
 | 1793 Allegany County McKenzie Property This page is from "A List of Property in Allegany County 1793", page 16. It reflects the names of Daniel McKenzie, Gabriel McKenzie and Jesse McKenzie. The Daniel McKenzie clearly is the person born abt. 1752. The "Gabriel" could be either Gabriel McKenzie (b. abt. 1715) of his son, Gabriel (b. abt. 1758). Gabriel (b. abt. 1715) is thought to have died about 1792. Finally, the Jesse listed most probably is Jesse McKenzie (b. abt. 1762). At least, there are no other known Jesse's old enough to be this person. |
 | 1800 Federal Census Allegany County - Aaron McKenzie This clipping from the 1800 Federal Census for Allegany County reflects an "Aaron" McKenzie with a wife and what appears to be seven children. There is a Samuel McKenzie and a Gabriel McKenzie who also appear on the same page. The writer, Michael A. McKenzie, as of September, 2018, has no data on this particular "Aaron". Gabriel McKenzie (b. abt. 1715) is said to have had a son, Aaron, who would fit the age profile of this particular "Aaron", but the author is unable to prove that this Aaron is the son of Gabriel (b. abt. 1715). |
 | Western Maryland Lots Showing Gabriel McKenzie's Property Highlighted
 | 1778 Oath of Fidelity Washington County, Maryland Listing Gabriel MacKenzie (b. abt. 1715), Samuel MacKenzie (b. abt. 1751)and Daniel MacKenzie (b. abt. 1752) |
 | Maryland State Archives Search for Marriage of Gabriel McKenzie (b. 1715) and Sarah Durbin
 | Gabriel's Choice, 100 Acres, Patented Certificate 1833 (1743) MSA S1190-1939, p.1 through 3 |
 | McKenzie Research Compiled By Josephine F. Moeller Josephine F. Moeller sent this research to the author, Michael A. McKenzie in 2013. |
 | 1783 Tax List State of Maryland - McKenzie The author went through all of the tax lists for the State of Maryland and extracted all of the McKenzies in the various counties. He also extracted some Maccenys, which was another family name that the author was chasing at the time he conducted this research. |